D Va Ana click here! NOT CLICKBAIT!!!! Oh I meant Div A AnaLYSIS. My b.
Tag: HotS
NGS S19: Division C Week 2 Recap
With all the tasty Div C goodness, Raka is here to deliver!
NGS S19: Division E Week 2 Recap
Filling in for JTrin this week, we have Peldor on the Blog!
NGS S19: Division B West Week 2 Recap
My apologies for missing a week, but here we are with the combined recap for B West. Shout out to the rootin’-tootin’ous Division out there. Let’s go!
NGS S19: Division D Week 2 Recap
Week 2 is in the books and we’ve seen quite a shake up!
NGS S19: Division B East Week 2 Recap
Another week, another recap. The Division was busy early in the week with 3 dominations, 1 full three map series, 1 forfeit, and a partridge–, oh wait, wrong list.
NGS S19: Heroic Division Week 1 Recap
Hi everyone! I’m a little late to the party, but here’s your season 19 week 1 Heroic recap!
NGS S19: Div B East Week 1 Recap
The theme of B East this season appears to be “diversity”, as a whopping 48 heroes were played over the course of a single week of matches. Everything from Alexstrazsa through Zul’jin got in on the action, so drafts will likely be interesting as the comps evolve, and bans start focusing on what is working, as opposed to what may be considered meta.
NGS S19: Division C Week 1 Recap
Summarizing all of the week 1 action in Division C, Raka is back on the mic!
NGS S19: Division D Week 1 Recap
Ricky Bobby’s father once said, if you’re not first, you’re last. Very appropriate for this weeks look back as we had 3 matches in Div D, all dominations.