Find out which division your team is getting placed in, plus all other information about season 14!
Category: Blog
Placement Mead Hall Summary
We welcome season 12 placement mead hall with information on maps, casters, and, of course, placements.
NGS Season 12 Storm Division Qualifiers Week 4
The penultimate week of qualifiers for Season 12 Storm Division have come and gone and the window for the remaining teams to snag a spot is slowly closing. Who will get the final three slots will all be up to this week’s qualifiers.
NGS Season 12 Storm Division Qualifiers Week 3
Week 3 of the Season 12 Storm Division Qualifiers have come and gone and one more team has advanced to the regular season leaving only 4 openings left.
NGS Season 12 Storm Division Qualifiers Week 2
Week Two of Storm Division has finished and new teams join to upset the balance and fight for the 6 remaining spots.
NGS Season 12 Storm Division Qualifiers Week 1
Season 12 Storm Division starts off with a bang as the teams compete in the first set of qualifiers to determine the regular season roster of teams.
Postseason Mead Hall Summary
WinterRose, newest writer for NGS, gives a summary of the Season 11 Postseason Mead Hall.
Nexus Anomalies That Should Not Exist
Pokeflute examines the Nexus Anomalies we could have had if Blizzard let their minds run a bit too wild.
Meeting the Ego Episode 2: Krushinator
Welcome to another new episode of Meeting the Ego, where we pick the brains of a variety of figures from the NGS community including streamers, casters, players, and more. This week on Meeting the Ego, we have Krushinator, the head caster for NGS! Some of the topics we cover are how he got started in… Continue reading Meeting the Ego Episode 2: Krushinator
Meeting the Ego Ep.1: ZenRS
NGS’s newest writer, Omega Ego, embarks on a new series to sit down and pick the brains of a variety of figures from the NGS community including streamers, casters, players, and more. First up is ZenRS, formerly of Storm Division champions Chilly Mountain, now offlaning for Heavy Impact.