Season 12 Preseason Mead Hall was streamed August 1st, 2021 on NexusGamingSeries – Twitch at 6 pm PT/ 9 PM ET. This start off to the upcoming season was filled with need-to-know info and a new surprise store for new NGS gear. Check out the VOD below.
Let’s get to what everyone has been looking for! Who is in what division?
Storm Division
WildHeart Omega [S11 Heroeic Champions]
Anti-Clown Associate [Qualifier 1 Champions]
GG till I die [Qualifier 2 Champions]
ReGen [Qualifier 3 Champions]
Heavy Impact [Quarter 4 Champions]
[Qualifier 5 Winner]
[Qualifier point winner #1]
[Qualifier point winner #2]
The last qualifier spot will be filled after the final qualifying match, which will be shown @NexusGamingSeries on Twitch. And the last two places will go to the teams with the highest qualifying points. The moderator of Storm Division is Murda. Please check out to contribute to our Storm Division prize pool.
Heroic Division
Moderators bAnKai and Wedge
Baby Makers
Big Push Power
Can’t Censor Ship
Dark Allegiance
Error 404
LTK- No Time To Die
Phoenix rising Esports
Pheonix Rising Ruby
The Church of Orphea
We Are Farmers
Nexus Division
Moderator Erikwithak
Caffeinated Knights
Gen.M Esports
Match Ready
Minion Miners
Phoenix Rising Xanthite
Phoenix Rising Zircon
Running Wild
Small Potatoes
Team Happy cloud
The Wild Squad
Division A
Moderators borntoshine and Daxx
Better Than Bots
Boogans Forever
Cat Daddies
Icecrown Citadel Archons
Mallow Oats
Plat Form
Strange Team Comp
Tactical Feed
Tricky Gooses
Under Newb Management
Yellow Owls
Division B
B West
Moderator DWhitt
Amateur Opponents
Ana Maniacs
Arrogant Nephalem
CM After Dark
Randy Newman
sOaK eVeRy LaNe
Spooky ghosts
US Army Esports
B North East
Moderator Irakaf
A New Barak Obama
Bad By Design
Beyond Gaming
Chien Chaud Steamé
Currently Chasing Samuro
Durotan’s Couch
LTK – Smoke
ReGen Ghost
ReGen Phoenix
Wholesome Halfwits
B South East
Moderator Idioms
A touch of Honey
BG: Johanna Means Family
Clouded Minds Unleashed
Death and delay
Devil’s Rejects Immortals
Fight, You Cowardly King!
Frank’s Furters
Mean Old Men
Phoenix Rising Onyx
Division C
C West
Moderator Ectar
Can’t Connect Stuns
Cats On My Keyboard
Clouded Minds
Cool Cats and Kittens
Knights that Go Bork
ReGen Divine
Team Rainbow Strike Go!
Trash Panda
TRSG Knights
C East
Moderator Aura
Business of Ferrets
Die for Vision
Heavy Slaps
Icecrown Citadel Raiders
Phoenix Rising Citrine
ReGen Nebula
Team Banshee
The ProBUs Strikes Back
Xul Gin Distillery
Division D
D West
Moderator DerShaneTrain
Can’t Counterpick Stupid
Knife Party
Lurk Patrol
Maximum Thrust
Phoenix Rising Jade
Phoenix Rising Topaz
Puns Upon a Time
Team Momentum
Wood League Express
D North East
Moderator PinaColada
Almost Legends Ruby
Bull Moose Party
Council of Mages
Council of War
Icecrown Citadel Queens
Infernal Affairs
Phoenix Rising Moonstone
Wait Till 10
D South East
Moderator Bogz
Bunke Fun Time
FC hong Kong
FF& the Pancakes
LTK – GoldenEye
Protector of Aiur
Rise N’ Grind
The Fallen Lords
The GB’s
The Nine Avatara
YCMTCCST5: YavapaiSwimsBack
Division E
E West
Moderator Gokue
210 Bleckman Street
Liquid Metal
Lowered Expectations
Nerd Herders
Phoenix Rising Amethyst
Pork Slap
Private Potato
Screaming Nachos
The EH Team
E East
Moderator DallyingPig
30 Seconds to Mosh
CM Beyond
Icecrown Citadel Knights
Macro Machines
Phoenix Rising Saphhire
ReGen Rebel
Souls in slowmo
Tar Pit Tipplers
The Baddest Dudez
Wood League Airlines
We welcome more than 140 teams into NGS! Good luck in Season 12!
Rules and Map Updates!
Off-roster subs can play opposite-polar but same coast (Northeast vs. Southeast). The playoffs will stay the same as last season. They will last two weeks to accommodate a playoff bracket post and schedule. The non-coastal division will have their playoffs start one week later and will have one extra week to play games during the regular season.
Here are the maps available to play for Season 12! You can always find this by !map in NGS Discord.
Alterac Pass
Battlefield of Eternity
Braxis Holdout
Cursed Hollow
Dragon Shire
Infernal Shrines
Sky Temple
Tomb of the Spider Queen
Towers of Doom
Volskaya Foundry
A big shout out to all the volunteers! We have two new board members, Riokaii and 7thAce. OccultWiz holds a new spot on the Patreon committee and new on the disciplinary committee, Olimebus. There are spots open for more volunteers. These include, but are not limited to, social media director, rules committee, community outreach committee, analysts, creative team members, video editors, and observers. If there is a position that looks interesting to you or you want to help in any way, message borntoshine or Jaxster on Discord. We appreciate and love the help! You can always check the #help_wanted channel in NGS Discord.
There were no caster bylaws changes since the end of last season. As always, please check the #caster for caster information. Note that Ace’s caster tool will be updated with map pools but stays the same for all other components. Team logos will be uploaded next week. Casters who want to join the NGS Twitch team, reach out to Krushinator or Murda. Caster awards, cumulative from season 11, are as follows: 15 casts- NGS Caster Emanel Pin, 30 casts- NGS Caster Coffee Mug, 60 casts – NGS Art Canvas Print, 75 casts – NGS Big Cluckin Mug. Also, if you are interested in becoming a caster, post in #caster_sign_up.
Round it all out!
Support NGS on Patreon. Season 12 items have been updated. Patreon will automatically fulfill swag rewards after 3 consecutive months on the relevant tier with global shipping. NGS fulfilled rewards will be sent after the regular season to the US and Canada Only.
Surprise! A new NGS storefront. This store is independent of Patreon, so that you can buy from both Patreon and this store. Patreon rewards will not be available for purchase in the storefront. Any funds generated will go back into NGS, either store or community. Any comments, concerns, or praise is welcome!
Important Dates to Remember
- Season 12 schedule comes out Friday, August 5, 2021
- Regular Season is from August 9th to October 17th
- Note regular season is 1 week longer for non-coastal divisions
- Playoffs are from October 18th to November 21st
- Grand Finals are from November 15th to November 21st
Thank you for making this community great! Remember to add your Discord ID to your NGS profile and check discord for announcements, needs, and feedback!