NGS Season 12 Storm Division Qualifiers Week 3

Matcherino: Prize Pool

As week three of the Storm Division qualifiers wrap up, half of the slots available for the upcoming Storm Division have already been given out. Now it’s down to the final 4 slots to be filled by 11 prospective teams. Some in better position than others to win based on points alone but as ReGen proved last week, if they can dominate the competition during just one qualifier, you can secure a slot for you and your team. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Storm Division, I’d suggest taking a look over the Storm Division Rules and Regulations.

Qualifier 3 just took place this past week from the 28th and 29th of July.

Here are the points standings following Qualifier 3:

TeamWeek 1 PointsWeek 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Total Points
Anti-Clown AssociationQualifiedQualifiedQualifiedQualified
GG till i die75QualifiedQualifiedQualified
We Are Farmers505050150
Can’t Censor Ship7550125
Error 4040107585
STORM Academy501051
Strange Team Comp12021
Phoenix Rising Esports12021
Heavy Impact2020
Big Push Power101
Xul Gin Distillery11
Durotan’s Couch11
The top 7 teams are bolded, indicating they are in position to qualify should they maintain or increase their standing not withstanding ties.

There will be a total of 5 qualifiers (2 remaining) with each qualifier winner securing a spot in Storm Division and the last two spots will be awarded to the 2 remaining teams with the most points. Qualifier 4 is scheduled to start later today, July 31st and will be fought between We Are Farmers, Error 404, STORM Academy, Phoenix Rising Esports, and Heavy Impact. Best of luck to all teams!

Qualifier 4 – July 31st 5 PM PDT

Qualifier 5 – August 4th – August 5th 5 PM PDT

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By Jaxster37

Former UCF Heroes of the Dorm Captain, Grandmaster/Master Player, and now Editor in Chief of Nexus Gaming Series.

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