Season 11 Website Changes

Hello, quick update on the changes that are coming to the website for season 11.

The Vital: If you don’t read anything else read this!

Rank Submission Verification:
In order to lessen the load to the admin team we have incorporated a rank image submission function to the website. Players and captains can submit rank images straight on the website for verification. This will have to be completed by the player/captain before registration can continue.
These can be submitted by going to the player profile; and scrolling down to the “Verified Storm League Rankings” heading.
There will be a display of any verified ranks or ranks still needing submission:

This is what you can expect to see for the rank verification.

Click the image upload then you can submit a image of a players profile, having highlighted the statistics page and the required season / game types.
In order for a mod to approve your SL rank screen cap upload, it must have the following:

  • Your FULL battle tag (including numbers) visible
  • The Statistics tab highlighted
  • The correct season selected and visible
  • Your rank for that season clearly visible
  • Under game types, please have QM, UR and SL selected.

Once you have submitted the image an admin will approve or deny the submitted image.

UI Updates

  • Nav bar “toolbox” that drops down from the player battle tag updated to be in line with other nav tools.
  • Bye rounds in schedule table
  • Stats tab removed from player profile; links on lower left hand image card
  • Unify some match views that were inconsistent
  • Update team results to update properly when the team viewed changes
  • Update division team list to update properly when division viewed changes
  • Update division result list to update properly when division viewed changes
  • Work on the past seasons feature to try and rectify its bad behavior

Back End / Developer Interface:
If you have any systems that interface with the NGS api, you will need to prepend /api to existing calls you have been using. IE:
Additionally the parameter constraints have been tightened and should hopefully return errors, and helpful warnings if you are mis-using the parameter or in a way NGS didn’t expect.

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By NGS Web

Web Admin

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